Le Jardin des Rossignols


Catriona and her husband Charles Waterhouse found their « terrain de loisir » near Popian in the Hérault valley near Montpellier after they had moved from Scotland, soon after 2004. It is approx.3000 square metres of vinyard soil with a very PH of 8.7, and extremely alkaline; The early years for Catriona were very experimental as she was learning from almost zero about mediterranean gardening, mediterranean plants and trees that hopefully would thrive in such a difficult terrain. Catriona joined quickly The Mediterranean Garden Society which has a thriving and growing group of gardeners in the region. Visiting mature and interesting mediterranean gardens in the region she soon acquired the knowledge about how to grow by seed, or planting the first stages of her now mature 17 year old garden.

It is essentially a ‘dry’ garden which means it has to endure the natural seasons throughout the year without watering – except the natural humidity and rainfall that is the classic mediterranean climate – hot long summers (June,July,August) autumnal warm months with the first rainful-often after 4 months or longer without (September to January) and cold early springs (Febuary to April) with intermittant rainfall through to the warm early summer months(May, June)

The garden is now divided into several areas with a small olive grove of 30 maturing trees along the border of the Canal de Gignac. The canal provides water for use in Catriona’s two greenhouses, and her nursery area around the cabane, which shuts down from October to March. Water is saved in large tanks capturing water from the roofs of the greenhouses for winter use if needed.

Charles died sadly in 2020 but Catriona has continued to create more beautiful corners in the garden. Le Jardin de Charles is a newly planted space of grasses,succulents,bulbs and palms , agave and yucca. It is situated at the top of the garden with magnifiscent views through the olive grove toward the south and across the Hérault Valley to Clermon l’Herault.

The garden is now a mature ‘dry’ mediterranean garden inspired by Catriona’s love of colour,texture and variety of all her favourite plants she collects from her presence as an exhibitor at the best of the regions rare plant fairs where she sells her top quality brands of gardening tools and accessories.

The garden is open to the visitors by appointment only, as a member of the Open Gardens Jardins Ouverts -(www.opengardensjardinsouverts.eu) during the spring and summer months.please contact Catriona by email to arrange a visit. gardening clubs are welcome by appointment only.

Photos throughout the recent years and seasons of the garden

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